Thursday, July 30, 2009

recent exhibition FRAMED GALLERY, DARWIN.

August 12-August 31, 2009.

'bright dust, hidden things'

I was raised on the dry western plains, beyond the coastal ranges.
My country is, to the passing traveller, uneventful and tedious.

But it is mine, indelible and insoluble; a part of me like my breath.
That stamp has determined my joy in the landscape.

My painting springs from what I know best, but that passion informs all of the work that I do.
It is the arbiter and the teacher, the hostile and generous benefactor.

The task of art, like every other of life's tasks, is built on the telling of stories...the passing on of ideas and insights into the nature of the world and how we figure in it.

by Jaqueline Healy.
Director of the Bundoora Homestead Art Centre.
Wednesday August 12 at 7pm.